Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Gold Rush!

Let's not forget what is happening out West!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Popular Sovereignity and Westward Expansion

This video gives a great overview of the entire chapter that you will be reading this week. We hope it is helpful! Pay attention to words like 'popular sovereignty', 'Compromise of 1850', 'Fugitive Slave Law' and the 'Kansas-Nebraska Act'.

A House Divided - 1848-1861

Homework for this week:

Chapter 13 - A House Dividing

Read pg. 260-269
Section Review pg. 269
Read pg. 269-277
Section Review pg. 277

Friday: Mr. Mills the Civil War Reenactor will be with us for class. You are welcome to bring your thoughtful and relevant questions.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Mexican American War

This will bring to life the very topic that you are studying this week. Be ready for your test!

Assignments for the week of February 20th

BJU American History

Chapter 12 The Manifest Destiny 1840-1848
Mon. Read Pg. 250 - 256
Tue Section Review Pg. 256
Wed Chapter Review Questions Pg. 257
Thu Study for Test
Fri Chapter 12 - Test in Class

Omnibus - Uncle Tom's Cabin
Read Chapters 34 - End
Optional Session A: Evalutation: Logic: p. 181
Make note of the instructions to answer the question in complete sentences; your answers should be a paragraph or so.  (However, you do not need to answer two of the questions, just the one that is assigned to you below)
1. Collin & Emily
2. Maddie, Lindsay & Miranda
3. Aaron, Grant & Jacob
4. Luke, Adrien & Hannah

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Remember the Alamo!

The Alamo was a Catholic mission turned fortress that was the backdrop of this
bloody battle in 1836.
You will be learning more about this in your reading this week.

Manifest Destiny (1840-1848)

"Our manifest destiny is to overspread and to possess the whole of the
continent which Providence has given us."

John Louise O'Sullivan, New York News, December 27, 1845

Monday, February 13, 2012

Assignments for the week of February 13th

Below are the assignments for this week.

BJU American History

Chapter 12 The Manifest Destiny 1840-1848
Mon. Read Pg. 240 - 247
Tue Section Review Pg. 247
Wed Read Pg. 248 - 250
Thu Section Review Pg. 250

Omnibus - Uncle Tom's Cabin
Read Chapters 23 - 33 (no skimming for the answers, everyone should have read up to chapter 33)
Session VII - Text Analysis
1. Collin
2. Hannah
3. Emily
4. Maddie & Miranda
5. Grant & Luke
6. Aaron & Jacob
7. Lindsay & Adrien

Monday, February 6, 2012

Negro Spirituals

In our Omnibus book there were some suggestions to listen to some of the Negro Spirituals that have been recorded over time. Below is a for you, this particular link is to a ring chant which predated the spirituals.

Ring Chant

This next link is to a site devoted to the story of Spirituals. Along the top toolbar of the site click on Freedom and Equality, then to the left of the screen, click on Spirituals as a Source of Inspiration and Motivation.


Assignments for the week of February 6th

BJU US History
Below are your assignments for this week. Do not forget that you have a test in class on Friday on Chapter 11 of BJU History, so study your chapter and the notes you should have taken in class last week.

Chapter 11 The Growth of Am. Society 1789-1861
Mon. Read Pg. 232 - 238
Tue Section Review Pg. 238
Wed Chapter Review Questions Pg. 239
Thu Study for Test
Fri Chapter 11 - Test in Class

Week 3 - Read Uncle Tom's Cabin Chapter 12 - 22
Answer the following questions and be prepared to present them in class.
Session V: Recitation
Comprehension Questions 
1. Miranda & Grant
2. Maddie
3. Emily
4. Jacob
5. Lindsay & Adrien
6. Luke
7. Hannah
8. Collin
9. Aaron

Living Timeline Presentations
We will also be hearing the last of the Living Timeline Presentations this week. (Aaron, Hannah & Adrien)