Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Week of January 2 - 6, 2012

I hope you all are enjoying your break. For those of you that are looking ahead to next week, I thought I would post your assignments a little early.  As we mentioned before, you will have a lot of reading for Reflections on the Revolution in France and might want to get started early.

Bob Jones US History
Chapter 9 The Jeffersonian Era 1801-1825
Read Pg. 170 - 175
Section Review Pg. 175
Read Pg. 175 - 178 & Section Review
Read Pg. 179 - 183 & Section Review
Reflections on the Rev. in France Omni. Intro. 149-159 / Pgs. 1-239
Session I: #1, 7
Session III: TA #1, 2
Session III: CA #2 / BA #2
Session V: TA #1, 2

To help you have an understanding of the French Revolution, I have added some videos that the History Channel created below.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Exams this Friday

Final Exam!
No new assignments this week. You just need to review for your end of semester exam that will be on Friday. Remember to study the last 8 chapter tests that you have taken. Have a great week! We will see you all on Friday.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Yes! You are seeing what you think you see!

There is not an assignment for the Omnibus text this week!

I have had a few questions about it just to make sure...thanks for being so conscientious!

Take this week to finish up Chapter 8 and be ready for the Chapter 1-8 Exam that is NEXT week!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Wrapping It Up and Moving Ahead ~

Busy day in class Friday and we didn't really get into the nitty-gritty of the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers that you read this week.

BUT! It is all connected. Everything that Miss Sherri went over regarding the 'checks and balances' and the government systems ~ ALL relate back to what you read this week! We felt that you walking away from class with a current understanding of what these important documents mean 'today' is what we wanted you to remember.

The framework for those principles was laid during these public debates that we have had the opportunity to read through.

For this week, please:

Read the rest of Chapter 8 in your BJU History text.

DO: Section Review pg. 166 and Chapter Review Questions Pg. 167

There will be a test in class Friday, please study for it.

Our Freedom is not Free. That is a slogan I have seen around. It is true in the sense of our Rights as Americans and also our Responsibilities. As Miss Sherri shared, we all have a responsibility to understand our history and to be part of it in an engaging way.

Remember that you have a voice and a responsibility.

That slogan also made me think of our Freedom in Christ. Our freedom from the bondage of sin and death ~ through the work that Christ did on the Cross for us. Along with your parents, as much as we don't you want to take our historical freedoms for granted ~ we encourage you to never take the freedom that you have in Christ for granted even more so.

Our freedom from sin and death was not free.

If you ever have any questions...please don't hesitate to get in touch with either of us or you can post a comment.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Electoral College

Did you ever wonder how the Electoral College worked? Maybe this video will help explain it.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Federalist Years (1789-1801)

Lots to cover in this next segment of history ~ Launching the New Government, Emerging Political Parties and the Declining Federalist Influence. We strongly suggest that you take notes as you read.

The following assignments are due when you return to co-op on Friday, December 2nd.


Pages 152 through 162

Section Reviews on Page 157 and 162


  • Under the heading of Session V: Discussion - There is a list of Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers to read. Read them all. (Actually, you read MOST of them last week :)
  • Anti-Federalist Papers: John DeWitt II
  • The Anti-Federalist Papers Introduction by Ralph Ketcham

Session V: Cultural Analysis #2 and 3
Session VIII: Comprehension Questions #1, 3, 5, 6
Session X: Evaluation (Grammar section) #6, 7 (Logic section) #2
Option Session A: Recitation (from the Introduction on written by Ralph Ketcham)
#5, 7

If you have any questions,
don't hesitate to post a comment or shoot
one of us an email.

Have a great week!

A Thanksgiving Proclamation - George Washington

Enjoy your week of ~ thanks giving!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
Forbid it, Almighty God!
I know not what course others may take, but as for me: give me liberty or give me death." Patrick Henry

Assignments for this week:

Please look the following words up in the dictionary and write out the definitions before you start your week:


Omnibus Text ~ Introduction to the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers

Session I: Prelude #1-6

Anti-Federalist Papers (AFP): Patrick Henry Speech June 5, 1788
Federalist Papers (FP) 14 and 15

DO: Session II: BA#1

FP 10 and 51

Do: Session III Comprehension Questions 4, 6 and 7

FP 47
AFP Centinel 1

Write out the definition of the Electoral College and explain it on paper as you understand it.

This week try to find a story in the newspaper or online that you can print that refers to the Constitution. Bring it in to class for us to see.

BJU History

Read the rest of Chapter 7 and be prepared for the test on Friday.

--Section Review on page 150
--Chapter Review on page 51
--Application Question #3

A few things to remember...

Please write in complete sentences, neatly.

Chapter 7 flashcards are posted to the Quizlet site.

For your success, please consider taking notes as you are reading ANY book for ANY class. You have learned how to annotate this year...history class would be a great place to apply those skills.

We will end on a musical note, have a great week!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Some Fun Videos To Help You Remember

I grew up watching these videos on TV. They have catchy tunes and will help you remember some of the information for your upcoming test. It also covers some of the material we are covering in the Omnibus. So if you have some free time, grab a snack and sit back and enjoy. Each one is only a couple of minutes long.

Also, don't forget you can study for this week's test using the quizlet flash cards.

No More Kings

Shot Heard Round the World

The Preamble

Fireworks (The Declaration of Independence)

Three Ring Circus (Branches of Government)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Victory at Yorktown

This video is 10 minutes long but you will recognize many of the names of the generals and commanders from our Timeline study last week. Remember that your updated flashcards are on the quizlet site and that your test for this chapter is on Friday!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A New Week Means...

new things to learn! I hope you all enjoyed the American Experiment last week. This week we will be digging back into the Constitution and reading the Bill of Rights. We are still on track with our syllabus this week. Just as last week, look at each Session to see what you need to read specifically. (And yes, you still need to read the assigned reading for Session VIII even though you do not have any questions from that session.)
Whoever controls the present controls the past. 
Whoever controls the past controls the future.

Foundational  Amer. Documents The Constitution, Articles I - VII, Amendments I-X (The Bill of Rights)

Session VI: TA #3, 4
Session VII: Activity #3 (New York Times…) 
Session IX: TA#1, 2 / Cult. Analy. #1
Session X: CQ #1, 10

Monday, October 24, 2011

Syllabus for Week 11

Hi Gang. I just wanted to post this week's syllabus for you. There are NO changes to the original syllabus this week.

For the Omnibus, you will be reading some of the Foundational American Documents  

Please begin, as always by reading the Omnibus Introduction on Pg. 84-93 

The rest of the week you will be reading The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation, The Constitution, Preamble & Article 1 - Which ones you read when will be dependent upon which Session you are working on so be sure to look at those at the beginning of each Session.

Session I: Prelude #1, 2
Session II: TA #5 
Session IV: CQ. #1, 7, 8, 10
Session V: TA #1, 5

For BJU US History

Read Pg. 104 - 111 & Section Review
Read Pg. 112 - 115 & Section Review
Read Pg. 115 - 123
Section Review Pg. 123

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Crossword Puzzle for Review

Below is a crossword puzzle to help you review for your BJU History test on Friday. 
(This is NOT a required assignment.)

2. Geographic heart of Louisiana Territory
3. British king who antagonized the colonists.
4. What war brought an end to French power in the New World? French and
5. British attempted to tax legal and commercial documents with what Act?
11. French Canadian leader that caused great trouble for the English settlements in King William's War.
13. What powerful fortress in North America controlled the mouth of the St. Lawrence River?
16. Under the Treat of Utrecht, Britain gained territory in: Eastern
17. British minister who attempted to collect new taxes from the colonies.
18. Opposed the tyranny of the British rule.
19. Fort built on the Ohio River at the beginning of the French and Indian War.
22. Iroquois allied with the British because their enemy French had joined the
23. Author of "Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies."
24. In which battle near Quebec did the British rout the French & capture the capital, bringing an end to the war?  acBattle of the Plains of
27. Ottawa Indian Chief whose confederacy devastated the frontier. He led a war against the British after the French & Indian War.
29. The key campaign in the French and Indian War was the capture of:
32. Banned colonization beyond the Appalachian Mountains.
34. This treaty brought an end to Queen Anne's War.
38. The British cut off French reinforcements and supplies by controlling the:
39. First successful example of colonial unity was: the
40. Pitt replaced old, incompetent commanders with: young, energetic
41. George Washington clashed with the French near what River, sparking the French & Indian War?
42. The British Navy isolated the French forces in America and what other country?
43. France had a strong alliance with the

1. Colonial commander who fought the first skirmish of the French & Indian War.
4. Tax on goods produced or consumed inside a country.
6. What group did the British forcibly remove from Nova Scotia?
7. Who did William Pitt decided to let bear the brunt of fighting in Europe?
8. Frenchman who explored the entire length of the Mississippi River.
9. A major reason Britain taxed the colonies after the French and Indian War. To pay for the
10. Talented British general was given the key campaign of the war and died capturing Quebec.
12. What colonial Congress attempted unsuccessfully to unite the colonies during the French and Indian War?
13. Territory claimed by French along the Mississippi River:
14. He made a proposal to unite the colonies against France.
15. Required that the salaries, taxes and expenditures be scrutinized by elected officials. Power of the
17. Franklin's Albany Plan was a failure because the colonist's feared what? Centralized
20. What Act required the colonists help provide for the British army.
21. Which talented soldier and engineer of defeats against the British was given command of French forces in America during the
French and Indian War?
25. French priest who explored the upper Mississippi River.
26. Leader of the Sons of Liberty.
28. French trapper who explored the upper Mississippi River.
30. What was Britain's chief disadvantage during the French & Indian War? Lack of Colonial
31. Orator from Virginia who opposed British tyranny.
32. Prime minister of Great Britain who won the Seven Years' War.
33. The British outnumbered the French colonists by: 20 to
35. Law that was a direct threat to the colonists' "power of the purse." It was a series of taxes on various colonial good. The colonists boycotted it.
36. Peace Treaty that brought an end to the French & Indian War and removed the French influence as a major force in North America?
37. British commander who was badly defeated by French forces.

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Connection...

Well, there is an interesting connection this week in our co-op and we just wanted to point it out!

In our BJU US History Chapter 5 we are studying the French and Indian War and the events surrounding that.


For those of you in the American Literature class, did you notice that you are writing a historical approach paper on the French and Indian War? Check out page 54, the week 2 assignment in your American Literature student book.

Finish Strong!

You worked hard last week and are almost done with The Social Contract!
Finish Strong!

US History and Omnibus Assignments ~ October 17 – 21

Chapter 5 US History

  • Monday : Read Pg. 97 – 102
  • Tuesday : Section Review Pg 102
  • Wednesday : Chapter Review Questions Pg 103
  • Thursday : Study for the test ~Don't forget that this Chapter is updated for you in Quizlet


This week read: Book 3 Chapter 8 – the end of the Book (Book 4 Chapter 9)

  • Monday : Session VIII : TA #1 and 3
  • Tuesday : Session VIII : TA #4 and 6
  • Wednesday : Session VIII : BA #1 and 3
  • Thursday : Session X : TA #4 and CA #1

If you have specific questions, please remember that you can email either of us.

~ Ms. Danette & Ms. Sherri

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Extra Credit Anyone?

Would anyone like a little extra credit on next week's BJU History test for Chapter 5? Print the map below and bring it in, completed using the instructions below, this Friday (October 14th - only) and you will earn some extra credit on your test next Friday (October 21st). The maps will not be accepted after the 14th.

1. Print the map and label the following:  (cities are dots; forts are triangles)
Lakes - Ontario, Champlain, Erie
Rivers - St. Lawrence, Mississippi, Ohio, Hudson
Forts - Fort Detroit, Fort Frontenac, Fort Duquesne, Fort Michilimackinac, Fort William Henry, Fort Niagara
Places - Boston, New Orleans, Albany, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Montreal

2. Color the following:
Red - relocation site for Acadians
Yellow - first location of the Acadians
Black Line - around the French holdings before the Treaty of Paris
Blue - Spanish portion of former French holdings
Green - British portion of former French holdings

Monday, October 10, 2011

Welcome Back!

We hope you enjoyed your break and are ready to jump right back
to our study of US History and The Social Contract.

Here is your updated assignment for the week and toward the end of this post is a link to your current Chapter 5 Quizlet study helps. You can print the flashcards and use the games and quizzes to help you with this chapter.

There is A LOT of interesting information to learn this week!

US History October 10 – 14th

Chapter 5

The Rising Storm 1689-1770

  • Monday : Read pg. 86-91
  • Tuesday : Section Review Pg 91
  • Wednesday : Read Pg. 92-96
  • Thursday : Section Review Pg 96

Please note that below is the corrected homework assignment.

Replace what you have with what is listed here:

Omnibus October 10 – 14th

This week read:

  • Omnibus Intro Pg. 63 – 71
  • Book 1 Chapter 1 – Book 3 Chapter 7 – Remember that as you read, you will be keeping your notebook updated with a specific detail from each chapter.
  • Monday : Session II : CA #1 and 3
  • Tuesday : Session III : TA #1, 2 and 3
  • Wednesday : Session III : Summa and Session VI CA #1
  • Thursday : Session VI : Summa

11th Graders ~ You know who you are!

Your oral presentations are due this Friday.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Meet ~ Thomas Hobbes

Another "Enlightenment Thinker" I would like to introduce you to is
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679).

Some information regarding his ideas about government:

-Humans are driven by fear of death and the desire for power.
-To keep the impulses in check, authority was ceded to a sovereign.
-The absolute power of the sovereign was necessary to keep society together.

Some information about how his ideas about government influenced American government:

-A diverse group of representatives would prevent a sovereign from being cruel and unfair.
-To offset the growing influence of business, a representative could speak in government on behalf of the people.

I will let the students of the following history class explain what they have learned about Thomas Hobbes in their presentation of: Interviews with Dead People....

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

John Locke

As you begin your study of Rousseau...there are some "Enlightenment Thinkers" who came before him. Though we will not be studying these men of history in great depth, I thought it may be helpful for you get acquainted with who they are.

I found this video on YouTube of Mr. John Locke (1632 - 1704).

Some information I have discovered about his ideas about government:

-The human mind is shaped by human experience.
-All human beings were equal and free to pursue life, health, liberty and possessions.
-The state formed by social contract and guided by natural law guaranteed these inalienable rights.

Some information about how his ideas about government influenced American government:

-His policy proposals for checks and balances later followed in the US Constitution.
-He believed that revolution in some circumstances was an obligation.
-He argued for broad religious freedom.

The Social Contract


First of all...enjoy your break!

When you start back to school, we will be reading The Social Contract, as we have discussed. You could even start reading this week ;) just a thought!

Of course, remember to be discerning of Rousseau's worldview as you read. He is considered a secularist.

Below are some terms defined in the context of the book. This will be very helpful to you as you are reading through this book. I would suggest that you print them and keep a copy in your notebook to refer to as you are reading. It is lengthy...but helpful!!


Social contract - The agreement with which a person enters into civil society. The contract essentially binds people into a community that exists for mutual preservation. In entering into civil society, people sacrifice the physical freedom of being able to do whatever they please, but they gain the civil freedom of being able to think and act rationally and morally. Rousseau believes that only by entering into the social contract can we become fully human.

Freedom or Liberty - The problem of freedom is the motivating force behind The Social Contract. In the state of nature people have physical freedom, meaning that their actions are not restrained in any way, but they are little more than animals, slaves to their own instincts and impulses. In most contemporary societies, however, people lack even this physical freedom. They are bound to obey an absolutist king or government that is not accountable to them in any way. By proposing a social contract, Rousseau hopes to secure the civil freedom that should accompany life in society. This freedom is tempered by an agreement not to harm one's fellow citizens, but this restraint leads people to be moral and rational. In this sense, civil freedom is superior to physical freedom, since people are not even slaves to their impulses.

Sovereign - Strictly defined, a sovereign is the voice of the law and the absolute authority within a given state. In Rousseau's time, the sovereign was usually an absolute monarch. In The Social Contract, however, this word is given a new meaning. In a healthy republic, Rousseau defines the sovereign as all the citizens acting collectively. Together, they voice the general will and the laws of the state. The sovereign cannot be represented, divided, or broken up in any way: only all the people speaking collectively can be sovereign.

Government - This is the executive power of a state, which takes care of particular matters and day-to-day business. There are as many different kinds of government as there are states, though they can be roughly divided into democracy (the rule of the many), aristocracy (the rule of the few), and monarchy (the rule of a single individual). The government represents the people: it is not sovereign, and it cannot speak for the general will. It has its own corporate will that is often at odds with the general will. For this reason, there is often friction between the government and the sovereign that can bring about the downfall of the state.

Law - An abstract expression of the general will that is universally applicable. Laws deal only with the people collectively, and cannot deal with any particulars. They are essentially a record of what the people collectively desire. Laws exist to ensure that people remain loyal to the sovereign in all cases.

General will - The will of the sovereign that aims at the common good. Each individual has his own particular will that expresses what is best for him. The general will expresses what is best for the state as a whole.


Will of all - The sum total of each individual's particular will. In a healthy state, the will of all is the same thing as the general will, since each citizen wills the common good. However, in a state where people value their personal interests over the interests of the state, the will of all may differ significantly from the general will.

State of Nature - When Rousseau talks about the state of nature, he is talking about what human life would be like without the shaping influence of society. So much of what we are is what society makes us, so he suggests that before society existed, we must have been very different. In a different book, Discourse on Inequality, he speaks very highly of this prehistoric state, but in The Social Contract he is more ambivalent. In the state of nature, we are free to do whatever we want, but our desires and impulses are not tempered by reason. We have physical freedom but we lack morality and rationality. Still, Rousseau believed that this state of nature was better than the slavery of his contemporary society.

Civil society - Civil society is the opposite of the state of nature: it is what we enter into when we agree to live in a community. With civil society comes civil freedom and the social contract. By agreeing to live together and look out for one another, we learn to be rational and moral, and to temper our brute instincts.

Common good - The common good is what is in the best interests of society as a whole. This is what the social contract is meant to achieve, and it is what the general will aims at.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Chapter 4 Review

Hi Gang.  I hope you are busy studying away for your US History test on Religion in the American Colonies. To help you, I created a set of flash cards over at quizlet. You can find those here.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Comment on the Great Awakening

I hope you all have enjoyed learning about religion in the American Colonies. This week you have been reading about the Great Awakening. Why was the Great Awakening "great"?
First, it happened everywhere in the colonies: north and south, urban and rural, east and frontier.
Second, all social classes were affected: rich, middle class, poor, slaves, educated, uneducated.
Third, it covered decades: from the 1720s to the 1760s.
Fourth, conversions numbered in the thousands. Contemporaries did not keep a record, so the exact figure is unknown. But crowds as large as thirty thousand heard Whitefiled preach.
Finally, it changed American religion dramatically. Evangelism gained a new prominence. Also the number of Baptist and Presbyterian grew significantly.

As a fun and "helpful" assignment today I would like for you all to post a "Comment" below and list one result of the Great Awakening. Hint: there are 10 of them so each of you should be able to list at least one. (Do not duplicate someone else. There is plenty to go around.)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

When Christian and Hopeful are taken to the Doubting Castle by Giant Despair, Christian remembers the key in his bosom.  But what specifically is this key? 

It is a synonym for the truth of Christian’s book or Bible embedded in his bosom or heart, though recently neglected. More particularly, it is the encouragement of Christ to those given to him by the Father. When we find ourselves to be "down" we need to remember to look "up."  And who better to look to than the source of truth. Christian realized he had neglected to be in the word. The way to change ones heart is to first change the mind. How do you change the mind? You must focus on the truth and we find that truth in God's word.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 8

Happy Monday to you all! Can you believe we are beginning week 8 of co-op? It sure seems to be going by quickly.
Below is the schedule for this week. If you have not realized it yet,  next week is a break week. It occurs just at the right time. We will have a test on Friday on BJU History and also finish up Pilgrim's Progress at the same time. We will be reading the Foundational American Documents next if anyone would like to get a head start.

I want to encourage you guys to finish strong this week. Be sure to read and reread your history text for your test, study the section reviews and chapter reviews, then make sure you know all of the key terms.

And as you finish up Pilgrim's Progress, be sure to stay the course to the end as Christian did and finish it up as well. I'll be back tomorrow with some more insight into Pilgrim's Progress.

                          Chapter 4 Religion in 
                          American Colonies                               Pilgrim's Progress Pgs. 151-End
Monday           Read Pg. 75-76 & Section Review            Session XI: TA #1
Tuesday          Read Pg. 77-82 & Section Review            Session XII: CQ #2, 3
Wednesday     Chapter Review Questions Pg. 83           Session XIII: A Question to Consider / TA #1, 3
Thursday         Study for Test                                           Session XIV: CQ #4, 6  

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Reading Assignment

ALERT!  Tuesday's Omnibus Assignment should be Session VIII, not VII.

Hi Class.  I hope your week is going great! I just wanted to point out that your reading assignment for the week has your repeating some pages. You do not need to reread those pages, they are just a reference to let you know that some of your Session questions will come from those pages.  Hope this helps.

There is a lot to be seen in the town of Vanity Fair. I hope you don't miss it. Do you see any similarities to it and the town Christian left?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hi Gang. Remember, the Christian life is a battle, much like Christian fought against Apollyon. Be sure you are protected!  Below are this week's assignments.  If you have any questions please be sure to let us know.

"Prayer will make a man cease from sin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer.”  John Bunyan

BJU Chapter 4 Religion in American Colonies        
Mon. Read Pg. 62 - 66
Tue Read Pg. 67 - 68 & Section Review
Wed Read Pg. 69 - 71 & Section Review
Thu Read Pg. 73 - 74 & Section Review

Pilgrims Progress  Pgs. 37-150 through By-ends loth to tell his name (SB) 
Mon. Session VI: CQ # 1, 3
Tue Session VIII: TA# 1 / BA # 3
Wed Session IX: CQ # 1, 5, 6
Thu Session X: Record Your Own Spiritual Journey
Fri  CO-OP

Extra Credit

How about a little extra credit on that BJU US History test you have on Friday?  Do the following assignment and turn it in first thing Friday morning for 5 extra bonus points.

Choose a saying from Poor Richard's Almanack on page 60, and write a brief paragraph telling why it would or would not be sound advice for a Christian to follow.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday's Omnibus Assignment Clarification

Hi Gang. There needs to be a clarification made to Monday's assignment in the syllabus. If you look at the item in yellow below you will see the correct assignment. (The TA was missing.) Sorry about that.

For the week read: Pilgrims Progress Omni. Intro. Pg. 24-33  and  Pg. I - 94 of Pilgrim's Progress (through A Good Riddance)
Mon. Session I: Prelude #3 / Session II: Disc. TA #2/ CA #1
Tues. Session III: CQ #1
Wed. Session IV: Disc. A Question to Consider / BA #1, 2
Thurs. Session V: TA #3
Since you do not have specific pages to read each day, be sure that on Monday you read the Into. to Pilgrim's Progress in the Omnibus book and each day read the pages in Pilgrim's Progress that are associated with the Session questions. If the page numbers do not line up with your book just be sure to get to the end of Christian & Faithful's conversation with Talkative on the road. And yes, you need to read Bunyan's Apology at the beginning of the book. We will talk about it in class this week.

Pilgrim's Progress

Good Morning Everyone! I hope your Monday is off to a great start. I thought it might be helpful to have a map as you begin looking at Christian's journey this week. You can find that HERE. If you can print it, I would highly recommend it. Remember that Pilgrim's Progress is written as an allegory. Do you know what that is? An allegory is a story with two levels of meaning. Be sure to look for that as you read this week. And as Mrs. Kirstie would remind you, "Look for the deeper meaning." One more note: Don't forget you have a test this Friday in US History. Study Study Study

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Where does it fit?

As we finish up our study of the book Of Plymouth Plantation, let's review where it fits into the context of the time period of history that we are studying.

Grab your US History Book and open to the page right before where Chapter 1 begins.

That is the title page for Unit 1. You will find a simple to read timeline. About half way down on the timeline, you will notice 1620, Pilgrims come to the New World.

Feel free to refer to this timeline as you continue your study of Unit 1. We hope this helps you feel confident in your understanding of the time period we are taking a closer look at.

Here is another link that you might have fun spending some time at. It is called Digital History. Just remember to keep a biblical worldview in mind whenever you go a source outside of scripture.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Mrs. Danette came across a site that she think you all might enjoy. It is called LibriVox. You can listen to audio recordings of books. You can even download them to your ipod. We recommend that you read along as you listen.  You can find the link in the right hand toolbar for future reference. 


Welcome to the New CORE American History/Omnibus Blog! As our time is so limited in Friday's we thought a blog would give us the ability to communicate with you during the week. We hope you enjoy this added feature to our class. Be sure to add your email address to the box on the right so you will receive an email whenever we add something new.

One feature we would like to point out, is that you can access the syllabus for our class from the link in the right toolbar under "Syllabus."