Saturday, December 3, 2011

Wrapping It Up and Moving Ahead ~

Busy day in class Friday and we didn't really get into the nitty-gritty of the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers that you read this week.

BUT! It is all connected. Everything that Miss Sherri went over regarding the 'checks and balances' and the government systems ~ ALL relate back to what you read this week! We felt that you walking away from class with a current understanding of what these important documents mean 'today' is what we wanted you to remember.

The framework for those principles was laid during these public debates that we have had the opportunity to read through.

For this week, please:

Read the rest of Chapter 8 in your BJU History text.

DO: Section Review pg. 166 and Chapter Review Questions Pg. 167

There will be a test in class Friday, please study for it.

Our Freedom is not Free. That is a slogan I have seen around. It is true in the sense of our Rights as Americans and also our Responsibilities. As Miss Sherri shared, we all have a responsibility to understand our history and to be part of it in an engaging way.

Remember that you have a voice and a responsibility.

That slogan also made me think of our Freedom in Christ. Our freedom from the bondage of sin and death ~ through the work that Christ did on the Cross for us. Along with your parents, as much as we don't you want to take our historical freedoms for granted ~ we encourage you to never take the freedom that you have in Christ for granted even more so.

Our freedom from sin and death was not free.

If you ever have any questions...please don't hesitate to get in touch with either of us or you can post a comment.

Have a great week!

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